ISTQB Foundation Sample Question Paper No. 14

1. What is failure?
A. Deviation from expected result to actual result
B. Defect in the software.
C. Error in the program code.
D. Fault in the system.

2. People who don’t participate in technical reviews
A. Analysts
B. Management
C. Developers
D. Testers

3. What type of testing is done to supplement the rigorous testing?
A. Regression testing.
B. Integration testing.
C. Error Guessing
D. System testing.

4. Capture and replay facilities are least likely to be used to ….
A. Performance testing
B. Recovery testing
C. GUI testing
D. User requirements.

5. What is the smallest number of test cases required to Provide 100% branch coverage?
If(x>y) x=x+1;
else y=y+1;
y=x*y; x=x+1;
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

6. Cyclomatic complexity is used to calculate
A. number of independent paths in the basis set of a program
B. number of binary decisions + 1
C. upper bound for the number of tests that must be conducted to ensure that all statements have been executed at least once
D. number of branches and decisions

7. If a candidate is given an exam of 40 questions, should get 25 marks to pass (61%) and should get 80% for distinction, what is equivalence class.
A. 23, 24, 25
B. 0, 12, 25
C. 30, 36, 39
D. 32,37,40

8. Match the following:
1. Test estimation
2. Test control
3. Test monitoring
a. measures of tracking process
b. effort required to perform activities
c. reallocation of resources
A. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
B. 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
C. 1-c, 2-a, 3-b
D. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c

9. One of the following is not a part of white box testing as per BS7925-II standards.
A. Random testing
B. Data Flow testing.
C. Statement testing.
D. Syntax testing.

10. Exclusive use of white box testing in a test-phase will:
A. Ensure the test item is adequately tested.
B. Make the need for black-box testing redundant.
C. Run the risk that the requirements are not satisfied.
D. Suffices for the unit testing phase.

11. Match the following.
1. Configuration identification
2. Configuration control
3. Status reporting
4. Configuration auditing
a. Maintains of CI’s in a library
b. Checks on the contents of the library
c. Function recording and tracking problems.
d. Requires the all CI’s and their versions in the system are known
A. 1-d, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a.
B. 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b.
C. 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c.
D. 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d.

12. Cost of the reviews will not include.
A. Review process itself
B. Metrics analysis
C. Tool support.
D. Process improvement.

13. What type of testing will you perform on internet banking solution?
A. System integration
B. Functional testing
C. Non-functional testing.
D. Requirements testing

14. Which tool will be used to test the flag memory leaks and unassigned pointers
A. Dynamic analysis tool
B. Static Analysis tool.
C. Maintenance tool.
D. Configuration tool.

15. Which of the following is not included in Test Plan.
A. Features to be tested.
B. Environmental needs.
C. Suspension criteria.
D. Expected results.

16. A piece of software has been given….what tests in the Following will you perform?
1) Test the areas most critical to business processes
2) Test the areas where faults will be maximum
3) Test the easiest functionalities
A. 1&2 are true and 3 is false.
B. 1,2&3 are true.
C. 1 is true, 2&3 are false.
D. 1&2 are false, 3 is true.

17. Amount of testing performed will not depend on
A. Risks involved
B. Contractual requirements
C. Legal requirements
D. Test data.

18. Which of the following provides the biggest potential cost saving from use of CAST?
A. Test management
B. Test design
C. Test planning
D. Test execution

19. Testing is not done to ….
A. Find faults
B. Improve quality
C. Check user friendliness.
D. Improve software accuracy

20. Software quality is not relevant to …
A. Correctness
B. Usability
C. Viability
D. Reusability.

21. Which of the following are false?
A. Incidents should always be investigated and resolved.
B. Incidents occur when expected and actual results differ.
C. Incidents can be analyzed to assist in test process improvement.
D. An incident can be raised against documentation.

22. Which of the following is a type of non-functional testing?
A. Usability testing.
B. Statement Coverage.
C. Dataflow testing.
D. Cause-effect graphing.

23. To make a test effective it is most important that:
A. It is easy to execute.
B. It is designed to detect faults if present.
C. The expected outcome is specified before execution.
D. It is unlikely to delay progress.

24. Error guessing is:
A. An appropriate way of deriving system tests.
B. Only used if good requirements are not available.
C. Only used when good requirements are available.
D. The most appropriate way of deriving system tests.

25. A standard for software testing terminology is:
A. IEEE 802.11
B. ISO 9001
C. BS 7925-1
D. BS 7925-2

26. Which of the following is true of V-model?
A. It includes the verification of designs.
B. It states that modules are tested against user requirements.
C. It specifies the test techniques to be used.
D. It only models the testing phase.

27. Which of the following is NOT part of a high level test plan?
A. Functions not to be tested.
B. Environmental requirements.
C. Analysis of Specifications.
D. Entry and Exit criteria.

28. When do you stop testing?
A. When the specified number of faults are found.
B. When the test completion criteria are met.
C. When all high and medium priority tests are complete.
D. When all statements have been executed.

29. Which of the following is least important in test management?
A. Estimating test duration.
B. Incident Management.
C. Configuration Management.
D. De-bugging.

30. How would you estimate the amount of re-testing likely to be required?
A. Metrics from previous similar projects.
B. Discussions with the development team.
C. Time allocated for regression testing.
D. Both A & B.

31. Which of the following statements is true of static analysis:
A. Compiling code is not a form of static analysis.
B. Static analysis need not be performed before imperative code is executed.
C. Static analysis can find faults that are hard to find with
dynamic testing.
D. Extensive statistic analysis will not be needed if white- Box testing is to be performed.

32. Regression testing always involves
A. Testing whether a known software fault been fixed.
B. Executing a large number of different tests.
C. Testing whether modifications have introduced adverse side effects.
D. Using a test automation tool.

33. A field failure occurs when multiple users access a system. Which of the following is true?
A. This is an acceptable risk of a multi-user system.
B. Insufficient functional testing has been performed.
C. This indicates an important non-functional requirement was not specified and tested.
D. It is not possible to test against such events prior to release.

34. Integration testing in the large involves:
A. Testing the system when combined with other systems.
B. Testing a sub-system using stubs and drivers.
C. Testing a system with a large number of users.
D. Combing software components and testing them in one go.

35. Data flow analysis studies:
A. How rapidly data is transferred through a program.
B. The rate of change of data values as a program executes.
C. The use of data on paths through the code.
D. The intrinsic complexity of the code.

36. The oracle assumption is that:
A. There is some existing system against which test output may be checked.
B. The tester knows everything about the software under test.
C. The tester can routinely identify the correct outcome of a test.
D. Tools are used to check the results of testing.

36 The following text will be used in Q.37 and Q.38. In a system designed to work out the tax to be paid:
An employee has $4000 of salary tax free
The next $1500 is taxed at 10%
The next $28000 is taxed at 22%
Any further amount is taxed at 40%

37. To the nearest $ which of these is a valid Boundary Value Analysis test case?
A. $1500
B. $32001
C. $28000
D. $33501

38. Which of these groups of numbers would fall into the same equivalence class?
A. $5800; $28000; $32000
B. $0; $200; $4200
C. $5200; $5500; $28000
D. $28001; $32000; $35000

39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of User Acceptance Testing?
A. Use of automated test execution tools.
B. Testing performed by users.
C. Testing against acceptance test criteria.
D. Integration of system with user documentation.

40. For software to be reliable it must:
A. Be easy to maintain.
B. Be unlikely to cause a failure.
C. Never fail under any circumstances.
D. Be written according to coding standards

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. D
30. A
31. A
32. C
33. C
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. D
38. A
39. A
40. B


  1. Hi, regarding question 13 - shouldn't it be actually all types of testing?

    1. I agree with you, all test types should be executed.

    2. Hi,
      I agree that there should be all types of testing for Q13. Since there is no option like “Above all”. So I selected ‘D’(Requirements testing). any comments...

    3. the question meant the most important type of testing to be performed

  2. There is a mistake in Q.21 - answer should be A. In P.4:Q.11 there is exactly the same question and the answer is correct.

    1. Your answer is wrong, the correct answer is C, because you cannot improve the testing by analyzing an incident

    2. Answer for Q21 is A. Test process includes complete testing life cycle, and an incident can be raised against any of the test documents (test plan, strategy, test case document etc).

    3. I agree, proper answer for Q.21 is A. An incident may be closed without being fixed (e.g. if incident is not a failure).

  3. Another problem is with Q.24 - answer should be B.

    1. I thought the best answer is B. But, when i read the syllabus 4.5 Experienced-bases Techniques, it depends of the experience of the tester. So, definetily it's D

  4. There is another inconsistency with Q.26 there is another papers with exactly the same question but different answer - P.4:Q.18

    1. The proper answer for Q.26 is A. B cannot be true, because according to V-model, user requirements and modules are on different levels.

  5. Another mistake in Q.30 - answer should be D. There is the same question in P.4:Q.17 with the correct answer.

  6. Another problem with question 31 - answer should probably be C. In P.11:Q5 it is stated "Compilers may offer some support for static analysis" which kind of contradicts the answer in this paper.

  7. Answer to question 35 should be C.
    According to ISTQB syllabus:
    data flow: An abstract representation of the
    sequence and possible changes of the state
    of data objects, where the state of an object
    is any of: creation, usage, or destruction

  8. I might be mistaken, but could the answer to q 17 be A? amount of testing depends on risk... One could refer to the ISTQB syllabus an go to page 54 out of 78. It states that the extent of testing is based on the risk involved...

    1. Hi Yusuf,

      but the question is about the things that "Amount of testing performed will NOT depend on". Since as you say amount of testing depends on risk it cannot be the answer for this question.

  9. wiki says that Q6 Cyclomatic complexity is all about path's A -answer.
    Why B is the correct one?

    1. Q6 > I agree -for me tne answer A is correct. Can anyone explain why B?
      " cyclomatic complexity: The number of independent paths through a program. Cyclomatic
      complexity is defined as: L – N + 2P, where
      - L = the number of edges/links in a graph
      - N = the number of nodes in a graph
      - P = the number of disconnected parts of the graph (e.g. a called graph or subroutine)"

    2. I also think that answer for Q.6 is A, not B.

    3. Hi,
      There are many ways to calculate Cyclomatic complexity, the easiest way is to sum number of binary decision statements (or decision points) and add 1 to it. The answer will be same as from L-N+2P.
      So the correct answer for Q6 is still ‘B’.

    4. Hi,
      But the question is not about how to calculate CC but what CC is used to?
      In my opinion, the answer should be A


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi,
    anybody has istqb foundation sample question papers from 2013?

  13. I think the question 16 answer can not be a ,please suggest that i am correct or not ?

    1. I think A is possible but B is possible too??? So I'm quite confused

  14. i think Question 19 answer d is wrong because it is saying that Testing does not provide Accuarcy is it correct answer ? why we perform testing to make our testing reliable and should give correct behaviour or accuracy as more can it can give before release to the client . Please explain anyone .
    Answer c should be correct according to mel.

  15. Q:38 - answer should be D - because it is asked about same equivalence class
    $28001 ; $32000 ; $35000 are comes under same equivalence class (all the values are 40% taxed)

    But answer A is different values with differently taxed.
    Please explain if I am wrong. thanks

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